Alternate titles: Disney’s Atlantis: The Lost Empire | Disney Atlantide: L’Empire Perdu | Disney Atlantis: El Imperio Perdido | Disney Atlântida: O Continente Perdido | Disney’s Atlantis L’Impero Perduto | Disney’s Atlantis: De Verzonken Stad | Disneyn Atlantis: Kadonnut Kaupunki | Disneys Atlantis: Das Geheimnis der Verlorenen Stadt | Disneys Atlantis: Det Forsvundne Rige | Disneys Atlantis: En Försvunnen Värld

Description of Disneys Atlantis – Det Forsvundne Rige

Disneys Atlantis – Det Forsvundne Rige is an action video game that was released on Sony PlayStation console in 2001. It was developed by Eurocom Developments Ltd and published by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd. and Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.

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