Alternate titles: E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial: Interplanetary Mission | E.T. Der Ausserirdische: Das 20. Jubiläum | E.T. Der Ausserirdische: Die Intergalaktische Mission | E.T. El Extraterrestre: El 20° Aniversario | E.T. El Extraterrestre: Misión Interplanetaria | E.T. L’Extra Terrestre: Le 20° Anniversaire | E.T. L’Extra-Terrestre: Il 20° Anniversario | E.T. L’Extra-Terrestre: Jeu d’Action | E.T. The Extra Terrestrial: The 20th Anniversary | E.T. The Extraterrestrial: Action Game

Description of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial – Interplanetary Mission

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial – Interplanetary Mission is an action video game that was released on Sony PlayStation console in 2001. It was developed by Santa Cruz Games and published by NewKidCo, Inc.

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